Seventh Army Symphony

Bay Parties
(from 1959)
Bay Party
(left - no headgear) Marcel Demiranda, Horn
(2nd, - soft hat) John Ferritto, Cond/Pianist
(3rd, - helmet from defunct Soldiers' Show Co.) Ray Friday, Clarinet
Unknown Clerk (please help identify)

Notice Posters, & colored cellophane over windows. I "decorated" my bay but the brass made me remove it. (M.D.)

Bay Party
(left to right)
Edward Lee Alley, Conductor
Eugene Hartzell, Percussion - Composer
Clyde B. Anderson, Bass
John Ferrito, Conductor & piano
Ray Friday, Clarinet (in helmet with feather)

(Seated: foreground)
Wayne A. Angel, Violin
"prost"ing - with helmet (no feather in his cap)
(far right) unknown clerk - can you identify him?

Bay Party
(l. with helmet) Wayne A. Angel, Violin (in shade)

(center) John Ferritto, Conductor & Piano

(r.) Marcel Demiranda with helmet from defunct Soldiers' Show Co.

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