Various Snapshots from 1954-55
For those old enough to remember
Photos by Don Harrow, Neil Roth, Earl Mitchell, Ron Rhodes
Regis Cronauer, & Chris Earnest
(Unless otherwise noted, all people named are left to right)
The late Harvey (Bruce) Elledge -
he always came up with ways to entertain us while on the road.
Get Them Basses
Darius Thieme, Ira Goldberg, Don Harrow, Dave Moore - in action!
The Combat Cello (Earl Mitchell's version) Dave Amram, Lyle Wolfrom, Dave Moore (below) & Earl North |
Dress rehearsal at Stuttgart. |
1st stand, Neil Roth, (r.) & John White (l.) (Note fine collection of Abziehbilder on case) |
Earl North (NOT a viola player!) |
Neil Roth boards a C-119 Flying Boxcar for "Concert Ports" unknown, 1954 |
Neil on Sunday walk in woods - near Patch Barracks, 1954 |
Why are these men wearing suits and ties? (Dave Moore, Lt. Ortiz-Torrez, Max Foner) |
Some occasions were more formal than others... (Regis Cronauer, Jim Badger, Janice & Stan Plummer) |
All dressed up (but still drinking beer).
Mel Flanzman at lower left, Ken Schermerhorn & Earl Mitchell looking back,
Couples are Rae & Gene Becker, Janice & Stan Plummer.
Some off duty fun.
Mel Flanzman, Ron Rhodes, George Andrix, Richard Schreck, Lloyd Greenberg,
Ken Schermerhorn, Len Berkal, Jack Coan (obscured), Bob Wills.
In O.D. or mufti, coffee breaks were popular.
At center, the late Bill Ondrick -
to his left, Ralph Froelich, James Mabry.
Somewhere in France - Don Harrow wins a bottle of Champagne
at the Wine Fair
Allen Gove did not play percussion in 7ASO,
but that didn't stop him from posing for this photo.
Berets were big stuff in 1954-55,
as seen on Dave Moore & Earl North
There were even times for calm reflection.
Here, Don Black (Clarinet) takes a break in the Passau theater courtyard
When we were not playing concerts, practicing or carousing,
most of us had our pensive moments.
Here, Adam Pinsker enjoys such a moment.
Baden-Baden 7ASO members and friends Allen Gove, Usch, Doris, Ronald Valpreda |
Schwbisch Gmnd, Arthur A. Bloom, clarinet - now living in Seattle |