The Passau Festival of 1954
Slide prints courtesy of Susanna Valpreda
"Onkel Bruce" (Harvey Bruce Elledge) with Passau children
Mel Flanzman is at extreme right
Ronald Valpreda poses with the children near our quarters.
Photos courtesy of Kenneth DeRosier
The actual march of the KPD (Kinder Partei Deutschlands)
The late Harvey Elledge leads the group of Passau Children,
demanding Freedom, Brotherhood and More Sweets!
Jerry Pollack at extreme right
Conductor Schermerhorn pauses during a long Fidelio rehearsal
Photos courtesy of Jerry Pollack
Another view of Elledge & the children
An impromptu concert for the children
in front of our Passau quarters.
The 1954 Passau Festival -
ghostlike cello cases seem to look on . . . . .
Kenneth Schermerhorn leads a rehearsal.
Photo courtesy of Don Harrow
Tchaikovsky Concerto
Kenneth Schermerhorn, Stanley Plummer
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