September 24, 2006
Mel Ponzi has found another lost sheep -- Stephen J. Clark, cello '54 - '56. The
biography section now includes
him, Ron Hasselman, and an updated bio for Chris Earnest. A few more reunion photos have been added.
Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, named for
7ASO conductor Ken Schermerhorn, opened on Sept. 9.
Former 7ASO colleagues Mike Comins, Tom Crown, and Charles Briefer were there just a week later to
hear a concert. Mike wrote this report on the trip and the hall.
A few words on format: in the top part of this home page, the colors of this site and the
alternate site
are different, but will not change. The lower part will be blue, except that sections
having changed since the last update will have a new background color each time to make it easy to spot the
Now Available: Kenneth Schermerhorn: He Will Always Be the Music, by
Martha Rivers Ingram with D. B. Kellogg; 65 photos, 401 pages; $29.99. (Ken played trumpet and conducted in 1953-55).
Currently available only from the Schermerhorn Symphony Center Store, One Symphony Place, Nashville,
TN 37201. Contact Mike Hulsey (615) 687-6585,
Uncle Sam's Orchestra: Memories of the Seventh Army Symphony,
by John Canarina, (Bass and Conductor in 1959-60).
50 b/w illus., musical examples, 224pp, 6 x 9.
From the University of Rochester Press P.O. Box 41026 Rochester, NY 14604-4126.
(9/11/06) Mel Ponzi reports that Rochester Press has just 4 copies left. Call (585)275-0419 for
customer service; Otto will probably answer. Members of the 7ASO will get a discount; use code #6080.
Price is $37.00 + $4.00 s/h.
(9/12/06) According to John Canarina, Tim Madigan is no longer at Rochester Press. The
email contact is now Suzanne Guiod at
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7ASO People in the News
(Updated 5/4/05 - Myron Rosenblum)
Dave Amram
John Canarina
Donald Draganski
David Irving
Jack Monchecourt
Myron Rosenblum
© 1997-2006 Ronald V. Rhodes & Christopher Earnest
Here is the Alternate 7th Army Symphony Web Site
E-Mail: Chris Earnest
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